Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 9 and counting

Family and Friends,

We are in Day 9 at hospital and I am so thankful!!  I know most people say they want out of the hospital but not us.  We are praying for our goals everyday and we are so excited that we are 9 days away from viability for our sweet Hadley.  Though we know God's plan is greater than any set week the doctor's say and we trust that he will take care of Hadley know matter what week she comes. 

Tomorrow I will have another sonogram to see how much fluid I have and to check on Hadley.  One of the signs of a healthy baby is movement and Hadley has no problem reassuring me on this :)  She is a mover and a shaker and every time I feel her move I am reminded of how blessed I am.  God picked us to be her to be her mother.  Can't think of anything more amazing than that.

Please continue to pray for no infection, fluid to increase, Hadley to stay healthy, Briley to be safe when she is away from us, and for us to continue to trust God's plan.

Ran across this scripture today and wanted to share with you....

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don't forget to thank Him for His answers. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ." Philippians 4: 6-7

I love that God tells us point blank don't worry about anything.  Of course being human, that is hard for us but instead we should pray continuously about our worries and when he does answer them, THANK him.  I know at times I forget to do that and I know that is one thing God is teaching me right now.  Pray continuously and Thank him continuously.

I thank God so much for everything he has given me.  I am especially thankful for family and friends like you praying for us and our sweet Hadley.

Will update again soon!!

In Christ's Love,
The Bufe's
Daniel, Melissa, Briley, and Hadley

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hadley Update

Family and Friends,

Thank you so much for all of the prayers and support you are giving us.  They are wonderful and please keep them coming.  I want to give everyone an update of what is going on right now...

As of Saturday I was leaking fluid and had about 7-8 cm of fluid around Hadley.  I have leaked more fluid since then but not a large amount.  We had a sonogram yesterday and the fluid had decreased to around 5-6 cm but the sonogram doctor told us we were still in the "ok" zone.  Anything below 1 does gets scary.  Right now I am receiving fluid through an IV and drinking as much water as I can.  Baby Hadley makes her own fluid through her urine so the more I take in the more she makes.  We know at this point that my membranes have ruptured but we aren't sure how big the tear is and most likely will not know.  I am allowed to get up and go to the bathroom and take 1 shower a day but the rest of the day I am on strict bed rest.  As of right now here are some of our goals that I want to share with you so you can be praying for these things with us:

1.  Viability of Hadley would be 23-24 weeks so right now our goal is March 1st.  I will be 23 weeks then.  (Today I am 21 weeks-each Tuesday I am a new week).  Of course our big goal is to go WAY past this but for us we are focusing on short term goals and going from there.

2.  Our next big goal is April 5th.  That is 7 weeks away and I will be 28 weeks at that point.

3.  Our ultimate goal is May 17th.  That is 13 weeks away and I will be 34 weeks. 

Another area that we need prayer is that I do not get an infection.  Infection would be not only bad for Hadley but very bad for me so we are praying that the antibiotics they have me on right now will keep infection away.

One last area that we need a lot of prayer for is our time away from Briley.  That is one of the hardest things that Daniel and I are struggling with right now but we know God's plan is so much greater than ours and we trust him.  Briley is being well taken care of by so many people already and Daniel and I keep joking when we get home in 13 weeks (our big goal!) she will be spoiled rotten!!  :)  Just please pray for peace for both us regarding this. 

To end this entry I want to share a story with you that will not only show you how amazing our God is but how he is constantly working through us and others to show how much he loves us.  After receiving the news on Monday that our fluid had gone down I was pretty upset.  The sono doctor could tell I was upset and tried to comfort us as much as he could.  When I left the sono room there was another girl waiting to go in.  We smiled at each other and I remember thinking when I passed her I wonder what her story is.  Later that day our nurse and another nurse came in and mentioned to us that there was a girl down the hallway that was in a similar situation as us and would love to share her story and talk.  When she had gone in after me for her sonogram the doctor said it might be nice for her to talk with me.  Daniel and I were so excited to hear this.  Isn't our God so awesome?  She and her husband came in last night and stayed about an hour talking to us.  Here is a little bit of her story...she ruptured at 16 weeks and came to the hospital for a couple days.  They told her she had to go home until her baby was viable at 23 weeks.  She had the strength to go home for 7 weeks and sit there all day everyday leaking and not knowing whether her baby was ok.  She would come in for a sonogram to her doctor once a week to check and eventually she made it back to the hospital at her 23 week mark!!  When she ruptured she had ZERO fluid around her baby.  Now she has been at the hospital for over a month and is almost 29 weeks!!  Her baby will gain fluid at times but mostly she sits below 1 cm of fluid.  Hearing her and her husbands story last night was such an inspiration to Daniel and I.  Last night when we were talking we both knew that God put her here for a reason and me as well...and one reason is to be there for each other!!  Daniel and I prayed that night thanking God over and over again for everything he has given us and especially for our new friends.

Daniel and I know that God's plan for us is not the same at their plan.  We know that if something happens before viability it will be because of his perfect plan and though we may not understand it today or anyday...we will be thankful and praise him always.  We are praying endlessly that his plan for us will be our ultimate goal in May (or even later).  

Today is also one month since my courageous mother-in-law passed away.  We not only feel comfort knowing that God's hand is on our sweet Hadley but her Nonnie as well.

God's plan is perfect...

We love y'all and please keep praying!!

Daniel, Melissa, Briley, and Hadley

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Our sweet Hadley

Family and Friends,

We wanted to let eveyone know what is going on right now with our family.
On Saturday morning, I woke up and realized that I was leaking fluid.  I knew this was not good so I called the on-call-doctor and she had us head to labor and delivery at Grapevine.  Once we got here we were admitted because the tests came back inconclusive whether or not it was amniotic fluid.  They did a sonogram on Hadley and did find the fluid around her to be very low at this point in my pregnancy.  They decided the best thing for me to do was to stay here until Monday when I can see my doctor and the tests results would be back.  Throughout the night, I have been leaking fluid still.  The doctors are possibly thinking that I may have a rip/tear in the sac that is allowing the fluid to leak out.

Right now, we don't know a lot of answers.  I will be 21 weeks on Tuesday and for Hadley to be viable outside I would need to get to 23 weeks or more.  We don't know if she will be able to make it that long with me losing fluid daily.

I will tell you what we do know...

God is taking care of Hadley and this is a part of his plan.  Daniel and I do not understand it right now but we are not questioning him.  He has given us so much and we are so blessed with Briley Ann and all the amazing family and friends we have.  We have decided we will continually thank him during all of this.  He will never bring us pain. 

This pain in my heart is so strong but my love for God is so much greater and I trust him.  I know he will take care of Hadley when us or the doctors cannot.

I am so thankful to be a child of God.

Please prayer for peace and strength for our family and for fluid around Hadley to go up.

Melissa, Daniel, Briley, and Sweet Hadley