Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mom's 49th Birthday

A couple weeks ago we celebrated my Mom's 49th birthday with a fun dinner out with our family.  It was such a blast and I love these pictures from the night so I wanted to make sure and blog about it!!

Mom you are so special to our family and we would not be who we are without you.  Briley is very lucky to have such a wonderful Gigi!!  You don't look a day over 35 by the way!!  :) LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!

In Christ's Love,


The Coleman Crew said...

Isn't funny how only 1 person there calls her Gigi but that is what's on her cake b/c that is THE most important name?!?! lol Same is true of our, wife, sister all come behind it. Ha! Happy Birthday Sharon!

Hannah said...

I sent you an award on my blog.

Hannah Rose said...

I just LOVE your blogger header. It's beautiful

I found your blog on Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope. I am very sorry for your loss. I too lost my baby, Lily Katherine, who was stillborn at fullterm on March 16, 2010. Although I wish nobody else had to know this pain, it's good to know I'm not alone and there are people who "get it." I'd love to have you follow along on my blog as well:

Blessings, Hannah Rose